Triantafyllidis Research Group

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Christina’s PhD thesis defense!

Our group is excited to celebrate Christina Pappa’s doctoral thesis defense, on the 8th of July 2024, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey. Her doctoral thesis, titled “Utilization of lignin for the production of new polymers and composite materials” was carried out under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis.

Figure 1: Christina during her PhD thesis defense.

Up to now, Christina has participated in more than 20 Conferences, in all of which she presented her work through poster or oral presentations, while the results of her PhD has been disseminated in more than 40 conferences (national and international). Additionally, part of her doctoral research has been published in peer reviewed academic journals (I.F.: 4.7-9.3):

  1. Pappa, C.P.; Cailotto, S.; Gigli, M.; Crestini, C.; Triantafyllidis, K.S.; Kraft (Nano)Lignin as Reactive Additive in Epoxy Polymer Bio-Composites. Polymers, 16 (4), 553. (2024)
  2. Pappa, C.P.; S.; Triantafyllidis, K.S.; Sub-micro Organosolv lignin as bio-based epoxy polymer component: A sustainable curing agent and additive. ChemSusChem, 16, e202300076, (2023)
  3. Pappa, C.P.; Feghali, E.; Vanbroekhoven K.; Triantafyllidis, K.S.; Recent advances in epoxy resins and composites derived from lignin and related bio-oils. Curr. Opinion Green Sustain. Chem., 38, 100687. (2022)

Additionally, she has contributed to 8 other peer reviewed articles, in relation to lignin characterization and utilization, contributing to the relevant research activities of the Laboratory.

A major part of his thesis was financially supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) under the HFRI PhD Fellowship grant (Fellowship Number: 967). She also worked and received support from 2 other national (EPANEK 2014-2020, Research-Create and Innovate, and Special Actions “Materials”) and 2 European (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) programs.

During her PhD, Christina was awarded two (2) STSM (Short Term Scientific Mission) grants from the COST Action CA17128, LignoCost “Establishment of a Pan-European Network on the Sustainable Valorisation of Lignin”. On her first STSM (February 2020), she visited the lab of Prof. Claudia Crestini at the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in Venice, Italy for 1 month, and trained on lignin characterization techniques like GPC and 31P-NMR. On her second STSM (May-June 2022) she visited the lab of Dr. Karolien Vanbroekhoven and Prof. Elias Feghali (”Sustainable Polymer Technologies (SPOT) Group”) at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) in Mol, Belgium. During her 2-month stay she worked on the glycidylation of lignin biooils and their utilization in epoxy resin composites.

Figure 2: Christina celebrating the end of her PhD!

Christina will continue her academic journey as a postdoctoral researcher at Triantafyllidis research group. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Christina for her outstanding achievement and wish her all the best in her future!

Congratulations, Christina!